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Artist Phyllis Horne, was recently honored at a special event hosted by Utah Governor Spencer J. Cox and First Lady Abby P. Cox—“The Governor’s Mansion Art Reveal”. The Governor and First Lady had personally chosen art from the state collection to live with in the mansion. Phyllis was honored that her sweeping floral, “Summer Flowers” was included among artworks selected from about a dozen living Utah artists.

The State Collection was actually a brainchild of Alice Merrill Horne, and founded with her ART BILL in 1899. It has evolved over the last century, and includes stunning examples of early Utah art as well as recent additions of Utah artists with Latina, Pacific Islander, and Native American heritage. Recent legislation renamed the collection in her honor as the State of Utah Alice Merrill Horne Collection. Read more about the legacy of Alice Merrill Horne.

Browse more of Phyllis’ available garden paintings here.


Governor and First Lady of Utah Spencer & Abby Cox
Governor & First Lady of Utah – Spencer & Abby Cox
Utah Governor's Mansion
Utah Governor’s Mansion
Phyllis Horne, installed display view of Summer Flowers, Governor's Mansion WEB
Phyllis Horne, display view of Summer Flowers, Utah Governor’s Mansion


Governor and first lady cox looking at Phyllis on stairs WEB
Governor & First Lady Cox with Phyllis Horne
Catalogue of Governor's Mansion Art
Catalogue of Governor’s Mansion Art
About the Alice Merrill Horne Art Collection WEB
About the Alice Merrill Horne Art Collection
Phyllis Horne with painting in mansion, bouquet WEB
Phyllis Horne with her painting in the Utah Governor’s Mansion